Stachys chamonissis


Plant family: Lamiaceae - Mint


Plant type: Groundcover

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 0   14.99

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Flower Color Pink, Purple
Blooming Season Spring, Summer
Height 2-3 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Coastal Sage Scrub, Riparian

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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Sand, Sandy Loam

Special Characteristic

Edible , Fire Resistance, Important to Native People

Plant Highlights

Nettle is a low growing, perennial shrub that is commonly ound in northern areas of the state, but varieties exist in the south in areas of high water. The flowers are a pinkish-purple, with large, cerrated egded leaves that are a light yelloiwsh green. They do not do well in pots, but are great in shady, moist locations were water is prevelant, although they have a tendency to spread. The leaves are used in many medicinal teas and are great for mulch or compost. The leaves are also poisonous to the touch, so where gloves when handling.

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