Cneoridium dumosum


Plant family: Rutaceae - Rue


Plant type: Shrub

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 52   19.99

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Flower Color White
Blooming Season Spring, Winter
Height 3-5 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub

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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Sand, Sandy Loam

Special Characteristic

Tolerant of Clay Soil

Plant Highlights

This medium-sized evergreen shrub has aromatic white flowers, whose shape will remind you of citrus blossoms, which is not surprising since both are in the same family. It produces very attractive red fruit that look like tiny oranges with red patches. The fruit has a very intense citrus flavor. Some people are allergic to its shiny green leaves. It grows naturally in the chaparral on mesa tops, and due to development is seen less and less in the wild. Bushrue is slow growing but attractive and interesting. Bushrue survives with very little water.

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