Heteromeles arbutifolia 'Davis Gold'

'Davis Gold' Toyon

Plant family: Rosaceae - Rose


Plant type: Shrub

Plant origin: N/A, Horticultural Selection

Container Avail Qty Add to
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24 inch box natural 0   399.99
Fifteen Gallon 0   139.00
One Gallon 0   18.99
Five gallon - Natural 0   59.99

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Flower Color White
Blooming Season Summer
Height 5-15 feet
Spread 5-10 feet
Sun / Shade   
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Sand, Serpentine

Special Characteristic

Hedges and Screens, Important to Native People

Plant Highlights

A keystone shrub in the native landscape, Toyon (also known as Christmas Berry), is the common name for Heteromeles arbutifolia. Toyon is known as a dependable long lived shrub and valued for the visual appeal of its small white flowers in summer, persistent berries in the winter and evergreen foliage. A cultivar of Heteromeles arbutifolia var. cerina, ‘Davis Gold’ has striking yellow berries instead of the typical red, and has been noted as having improved resistance to disease. Toyons are very flexible when it comes to light exposure, growing best in sun but tolerating almost full shade. A classic wildlife attractor, birds in particular love to eat the golden berries that linger on the plant. ‘Davis Gold’ toyon has leathery serrated leaves 2 -4” long and grows well in sandy soils and on slopes with dry, well drained soils. ‘Davis Gold’ is excellent as a screening plant, hedge, or multi-trunk small tree, reaching a typical height and width of about 6 - 10 ‘; given ideal conditions and enough time it can grow to 15’ or more.
a selection introduced by UC Davis

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