Aristolochia californica

California Pipevine

Plant family: 


Plant type: Vine

Plant origin: N/A, California

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One Gallon 0   18.99

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Flower Color Cream, Purple
Blooming Season Spring, Winter
Height 3-5 feet, 5-15 feet, 15-25 feet
Spread 1-5 feet, 5-10 feet, 10-15 feet
Sun / Shade   
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Chaparral, Oak Woodland, Woodland/Forest

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Special Characteristic

Attracts Wildlife, Good under Oaks, Tolerant of Clay Soil, Vines/Espaliers

Plant Highlights

California Dutchman's Pipe or Pipe Vine is a deciduous vine with fascinating one inch purple striped pipe-shaped flowers. It is an important addition to a California habitat garden as it is the larval host for the Pipevine Swalllow Butterfly. This grows naturally in North and Central California, in moist, shady places but it has been known to accept drier conditions in the south. California Pipevine (not to be confused with the tropical Pipevine) tends to grow along the ground, or trail up trees and shrubs. The flowers are followed by the growth of new, bright green, heart-shaped leaves in the spring. It is best placed in part shade, under oaks where some additional moisture can be given. It plants well with Salvia spathacea (Hummingbird Sage) The vines can extend to 20' when it is happy.

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I’m very interested in this plant and think I have just the spot for it. When do you expect to have some available?

Posed by: Margaret Friend, on Mar 7 2021 5:47PM
